Galnix, a company owned by Rede Aberta, will create the first neutral connectivity point in Galicia, which will improve the quality of internet access for users
8 April 2024

Rede Aberta, adjudicataria del Plan UNICO de A Coruña de 2024

14 January 2025

Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que Rede Aberta, por tercer año consecutivo, ha sido adjudicataria del programa UNICOBandaAncha en la provincia de ACoruña, según la resolución provisional de la SETELECO.

Con esta asignación, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de reducir la BrechaDigital en zonas rurales y de promover el acceso a una Conectividad de alta calidad para todos los habitantes, sin importar su ubicación 🌍.

En esta nueva fase, participaremos en el fortalecimiento de la InfraestructuraDigital en áreas rurales, contribuyendo al desarrollo en la provincia de ACoruña .

Este avance es posible gracias al programa UNICOBandaAncha, una iniciativa liderada por el Ministerio de Transformación Digital y respaldada por los fondos NextGenerationEU de la UnionEuropea 🇪🇺, que apuesta por un FuturoDigital inclusivo para todos.

En Rede Aberta seguimos liderando el camino para una Galiciaconectada, con FibraÓptica, InnovaciónTecnológica y AccesoUniversal para todos🌐.




    Housing and Interconnection

    Our housing service is available both in our network of nodes in Galicia and in the main data processing centres (CPD) in Spain. Onexo's technical rooms are designed to meet the highest security standards, guaranteeing the protection of your assets.

    In addition, we offer a wide range of connectivity options, allowing businesses to efficiently scale their operations and adapt to their specific needs in a secure and reliable environment.

    Temperature - humidity control

    Auxiliary power

    Real-time monitoring

    24/7 Remote Hands Service

    Network Redundancy

    We have a presence in

    Are you looking to improve your company's connectivity?

    We are here to help you!

    We are a solutions provider and a network designed for all operators wishing to offer telecommunications services in rural Galicia. We guarantee equality, competition and non-discrimination in all our services.

    Contact us today and find out how we can boost your connectivity!

    Ethernet circuits

    Operating over Rede Aberta's MPLS network, our Ethernet VPN service provides Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity, ensuring fully isolated, secure and transparent traffic. This allows businesses to enjoy efficient and protected communication.

    In addition, we have advanced network engineering, which allows us to customize solutions to the specific needs of each client, optimizing performance and ensuring they receive the best connectivity experience.

    Capacity up to 100 Gbps

    MTU up to 9600 bytes

    Highest SLA levels

    Would you like to improve your company's connectivity?

    We are a solutions provider and a network dedicated to all operators who wish to offer telecommunications services in rural areas of Galicia, guaranteeing equality, competition and non-discrimination.

    Dark Fiber

    Our dark fiber gives customers the opportunity to connect multiple points through a fiber optic network, allowing them to light up the infrastructure with their own equipment. This solution gives them full control over their network, optimizing the performance and security of their data.

    Furthermore, it is ideal for companies that require scalability and customization in their connections, ensuring that each client can adapt their network to their specific communication and data transfer needs.

    Connection between points by fiber.

    Personalization for the client

    Minimum attenuation guarantee

    Flexible lighting with chosen technology.

    Would you like to optimize your company's connectivity?

    We are a solutions provider offering a network designed for all operators interested in offering telecommunications services in rural Galicia, guaranteeing equality, competition and non-discrimination. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out how we can enhance your connectivity.

    We are at your disposal!


    Our Bitstream service provides access to Rede Aberta's GPON network, offering level 2 connectivity between the end customer's ONT and the interconnection with the operator. This gives the operator greater autonomy and flexibility in managing its customers. Two modalities are available:

    Residential Bitstream:

    Bandwidth up to 1 Gbps

    Compatible with multiple interoperable ONTs.

    Interconnection in Galicia and CPD in Spain

    Transport via MPLS Network

    Self-installation by the operator.

    Bitstream Corporate:

    Bandwidth up to 5 Gbps

    Different network topologies

    Access network traffic priority

    Reduced SLAs

    Do you want to improve your company's connectivity?

    We are a solutions provider and a network aimed at all operators wishing to offer telecommunications services in rural Galicia, guaranteeing equality, competition and non-discrimination.